Testing data availability

LC-MS/MS data and metadata of Terfenadine can be found at: https://zenodo.org/record/7018370#.YwscL3ZBw2w.

The pharmaceutical spectral database Drug+ for spectra matching and unknown annotation can be found at: https://zenodo.org/record/7057435#.Y0agjnZBxaQ

Background of the dataset

Terfenadine is subjected to acid hydrolysis and oxidative stress against a baseline condition. The goal here is to profile and identify various degradation products of Terfenadine by setting stress conditions more severe than recommended storage, in order to further understand the underlying chemical mechanisms. Non-targeted profiling in DDA mode was conducted for samples at Day 0 (1 sample) and Day 7 (3 samples for 3 conditions) on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos. Converted data files were submitted to MZMine for feature detection. Next, features representing different ion species of the same potential compound were put into a single feature. Fold change of each feature under different conditions was calculated. We then built a LC-MS/MS data processing pipeline in meRgeION that enables degradation product annotation by searching Drug+ and mechanism understanding through FBMN.

Input LC-MS/MS data description

DDA-mode data acquired on Orbitrap Fusion Lumos (.raw format) were converted to mzXML files using the software described at: https://ccms-ucsd.github.io/GNPSDocumentation/fileconversion/. Four files converted were Day 0, Day 7 control, Day 7 acidic, and Day 7 oxidative stress samples, respectively. Converted files were directly available for download:

download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7018370/files/FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_02.mzXML?download=1", "FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_02.mzXML")
download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7018370/files/FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_03.mzXML?download=1", "FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_03.mzXML")
download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7018370/files/FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_04.mzXML?download=1", "FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_04.mzXML")
download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7018370/files/FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_05.mzXML?download=1", "FD_terfenadine_190218_MAS011_05.mzXML")

Metadata description

Metadata table should contain target features labeled by a unique identifier. Here we include all MS1 features detected by MZMine and reduced by the meRgeION process_mzmine function. Fold change and relative quantification were calculated and included into the metadata table. Please download the metadata table prepared and put into the same R workspace:

download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7018370/files/molecular%20feature%20annotated%20terfenadine.csv?download=1", "molecular feature annotated.csv")

Load MergeION


Target feature search in meRgeION

To extract MS/MS scan for each MS1 feature, meRgeION uses mass and retention time in the input metadata table. Here the Default smartION algorithm is used. Target feature search requires initial library (input_library, optional if the goal is to append new data into an existing database), input MS/MS file names (lcms_files), input metadata file name (metadata_file), polarity, extracted scan type (mslevel, MS1, MS2 or both), additional adducts (add.adduct, extracting additional adducts or not), processing algorithm, m/z and RT matching parameters (params.search), post-processing parameters for extracted scans (params.ms.preprocessing), and consensus scan generation parameters (params.consensus, combining scans of the same MS1 feature extracted from different files into a single consensus scan).

help(library_generators) # More details about the parameters

input_library = NULL # We create a brand-new spectral database for this study
lcms_files = list.files(pattern = ".mzXML") # Make sure only the 4 mzXML files of Terfenadine are in the working directory

metadata_file = "molecular feature annotated.csv"
processing.algorithm = "Default"

# These parameters should reflect the mass and retention time deviation 
params.search = list(mz_search = 0.01, ppm_search = 10, rt_search = 10, rt_gap = 30)

#  All MS/MS scans extracted are normalized to the highest peak, only top 200 most intense peaks were kept. An intensity baseline of 25000 was applied - here it reflects the noise level of Orbitrap instruments
params.ms.preprocessing = list(normalized = TRUE, baseline = 25000, relative = 0, max_peaks = 200, recalibration = 0)

# MS/MS scans of the same MS1 feature were extracted from different files,they are now combined to generate an fragment-rich consensus spectrum. Setting "consensus_method = consensus" kept fragments detected in all spectral records. A consensus window is applied to merge product ions with similar m/z values. 
params.consensus = list(consensus = TRUE, consensus_method = "consensus", consensus_window = 0.01)

# We could now run target feature search and consensus spectrum generation:

library1 = library_generator(input_library, lcms_files, metadata_file, polarity = "Positive", mslevel = 2, add.adduct = FALSE, processing.algorithm = processing.algorithm, params.search = params.search, params.ms.preprocessing = params.ms.preprocessing, params.consensus = params.consensus)

Library summary and lookup

The output library1 is a list of three elements: complete, consensus and network. At this stage, only complete (scans extracted from all 4 DDA files) and consensus (one consensus spectrum per input feature) were generated. It is possible to create a summary of the spectral collection:


It is possible to look up the spectral database based on a vector of feature IDs or query conditions. The syntax of each query expression must be condition = value, while condition must match with column name of the input metadata. Spectral records extracted must fit all query conditions provided by user. The output is a filtered library containing both complete and consensus.

# Extracting spectral records of parent compound based on its ID (if known by user)

query_result = library_query(input_library = library1, query_ids = "Terfenadine_89")

# Extracting spectral records of parent compound based on its precursor mass (PEPMASS) and retention time (RT) 

params.search$mz_search = 0.02

query_result = library_query(input_library = library1, query_expression = c("PEPMASS = 472.3202", "RT = 9.4"), params.search = params.search)

# Print results:


print(query_result$complete$metadata) # In total 4 scans of the parent compounds are extracted

print(query_result$consensus$metadata) # 1 consensus scan was found for the parent compound

# Extracting spectral records of feature for which M+H, M+Na and M+K adducts are detected

query_result = library_query(input_library = library1, query_expression = "ADDUCT_TYPE = M+H:M+Na:M+K")

library_reporter(query_result) # 4 features are detected with M+H, M+Na and M+K adducts

print(query_result$consensus$metadata$ID) # including Terfenadine_89 - the parent drug

Searching against an existing spectral library

To annotate the extracted MS/MS scans in the forced degradation study, we search them against Drug+, a pharmaceutical MS/MS spectral library built by our team, currently available in ESI+ mode only:

download.file("https://zenodo.org/record/7057435/files/GNPS_MASSBANK_PROCESSED_POS_CONSENSUS1.RData?download=1", "lib_drug_plus_matrix.RData") # Download Drug+ as a library object
load("lib_drug_plus_matrix.RData") # Load Drug+ as object lib_123_matrix into R environment

We first search the consensus MS/MS spectrum of the parent drug against Drug+

# Extracting spectral records of parent compound based on RT and mass:

query_result = library_query(input_library = library1, query_expression = c("PEPMASS = 472.3202", "RT = 9.4"))
query_sp = query_result$consensus$sp[[1]] # Query_sp is a two-column matrix m/z, intensity of the parent compound consensus spectrum
query_mz = 472.3202 # Precursor mass of Terfenadine

# Setting up spectral library search parameters, first EXACT search:

params.query.sp = list(prec_mz = query_mz, use_prec = T, polarity = "Positive", method = "Cosine", min_frag_match = 6, min_score = 0, reaction_type = "Metabolic")

search_result = library_query(input_library = lib_123_matrix, query_spectrum = query_sp, params.query.sp = params.query.sp)
id_matched = search_result$consensus$metadata$ID[1]

library_visualizer(lib_123_matrix, id = id_matched, query_spectrum = query_sp)

# We now test analog search (by setting use_prec = F), this time using F1 as spectral similarity metrics. The goal is to find compounds with similar structures but different masses.

params.query.sp = list(prec_mz = query_mz, use_prec = F, polarity = "Positive", method = "F1", min_frag_match = 6, min_score = 0, reaction_type = "Metabolic")

search_result = library_query(input_library = lib_123_matrix, query_spectrum = query_sp, params.query.sp =1 params.query.sp)

# Check the top structure matches:


# The top candidate is still Terfenadine based on InchiKey, the gives us extra structure confirmation:

id_hit = search_result$consensus$metadata$ID[1]

# Top 4 candidates found:

id_matched = search_result$consensus$metadata$ID[1:4]

# The candidate ranked 2nd and 4th are drug impurities without structure annotation. So let's plot the spectra and structure of 3rd candidate based on its smiles code, and compare with the expected drug API. The package RChemMass should be loaded for plotting the structures.


smiles_matched = search_result$consensus$metadata$SMILES

library_visualizer(lib_123_matrix, id = id_matched[3], add.legend = F)
renderSMILES.rcdk(smiles_matched[3],kekulise=FALSE, coords = c(50, 60, 160, 100))

library_visualizer(lib_123_matrix, id = id_matched[1], add.legend = F)
renderSMILES.rcdk(smiles_matched[1], kekulise=FALSE, coords = c(50, 60, 160, 100))

We obversed a strong structure similarity between the analog search candidate 3 (upper plot) and the expected compound (lower plot):

Molecular networking of forced deg feature set

The identity of the rest of detected features are still unknown, molecular networking unravels their underlying structural relatedness based on their mutual spectral similarity. Network can be generated using the library_generator function, by setting up the network parameters. Please look at params.network in the function manual for network filters and parameters.

# same parameter sets as when we generate the spectral set:

params.search = list(mz_search = 0.01, ppm_search = 10, rt_search = 0, rt_gap = 0)
params.ms.preprocessing = list(normalized = TRUE, baseline = 25000, relative = 0, max_peaks = 200, recalibration = 0)
params.consensus = list(consensus = TRUE, consensus_method = "consensus", consensus_window = 0.01)

# Add network parameters: similarity metrics, minumum fragment matches and similarities 
# Add network filters: topK, max_comp_size
# Add network edge annotation parameters: reaction_type (annotating chemical reaction based on mass difference) and use_reaction

params.network = list(network = TRUE, similarity_method = "F1",min_frag_match = 10, min_score = 0.2, topK = 5, max_comp_size = 0, reaction_type = "Chemical", use_reaction = F)

library1_network = library_generator(input_library = library1_annotated, lcms_files = NULL,
  metadata_file = NULL, polarity = "Positive", mslevel = 2, add.adduct = FALSE, processing.algorithm =  "Default", params.search = params.search, params.ms.preprocessing = params.ms.preprocessing, params.consensus = params.consensus,
  params.network = params.network)

Network visualization

We recommend Cytoscape as network visualizer for molecular networks generated by MergeION. Please download the latest Cytoscape from http://www.cytoscape.org/download.php.Complete installation wizard. Launch Cytoscape. After installing and launching Cytoscape, the RCy3 package is recommended to visualize the MergeION output directly in Cytosape. To install Rcy3 and connect with Cytoscape:


Once “You are connected to Cytoscape!” message is displayed, let’s extract the network object from MergeION output library1_network and visualize it in Cytoscape!

ig = library1_network$network$ig

A network named “Terfenadine_network” should be displayed now in the Cytoscape software using the default layout. The network display can be easily modified and improved. For instance, we could change the visualization style, the labels of nodes and edges, highlighting the nodes that were annotated as Terfenadine by analog search, and coloring the nodes based on fold change. Please have a look at the nice tutorial about the customization of molecular network display on the GNPS website: https://ccms-ucsd.github.io/GNPSDocumentation/cytoscape/.